乐谱名:Megadeth - Architecture Of Aggresion
《Megadeth - Architecture Of Aggression》这首歌的吉他谱在重金属爱好者中非常受欢迎。Megadeth,是一支美国的乐队,成立于1983年,被认为是“大四”的重金属乐队之一。他们创造了许多激动人心的音乐,其中包括这首《Architecture Of Aggression》。
这首歌所属的专辑名称是《Countdown to Extinction》。歌曲的创作背景是在1991年,美国在吉尼斯堡进行了海湾战争,这次战争中美国的军队遭到了伊拉克的强烈反抗。Megadeth乐队的主唱Dave Mustaine经常关注国际事务,从这个事件中受到了很多灵感。
整首歌曲以猛烈的吉他切入开始,独特的旋律吸引了重金属爱好者的注意。随后,Dave Mustaine开始了满腔怒火的吼叫。这首歌的歌词非常强烈,它描绘了战争的残酷现实。歌词中特别强调了战争给人类文明造成的摧毁,包括了建筑、文化和历史的消失等。
Aggressor nation, staging victims
Till retaliation, from their victims
Strength in numbers, unification
Militaristic, ordained by nation
Wars machine, born of conflict
Man made plague, the wars of tomorrow
Toxify, kill their own
Moving ever faster to a final solution
Suicide, overpopulation
Life will terminate, virus terminate us
Forest fires, natural cycle
Only one species does not adapt
Self extinction, from the slag heaps of creation
Sit and watch the world burning
Wish there was a god to sort it out
No time for repenting
No safety in crashing out
Pray to the distant glittering future
Saviors come to lead us to our fate
Destined to be victims
Black harvest of aggression''s seeds have sown the
The blood stained harvest
A lost horizon, fires on the skyline
The silent weapons, massacring on both sides
Burnt earth tactics, a creeping death
The rape and violence, escalating virus
Self destruction everywhere
A restless troubled sphere
Apprehension of the worst
Fears haunt our troubled air
There is no future in this destiny
The questions linger in the silent vacuum
No answers for the family
- Singing silently, silently, silently -
In conclusion, Megadeth这首《Architecture Of Aggression》传递出的信息是令人深思的。它暴露出战争的残酷现实,提高人们的意识,并鼓励人们寻求和平的途径。吉他谱让人们能够更好地欣赏这首歌,并和其他重金属爱好者分享音乐的乐趣。
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